Good programming practices for beginners

How to learn and improve your programming skills- beginner


2 min read

Good programming practices for beginners

Programming can be quite difficult for a beginner but with the right mindset and habits, one can become a very good programmer. In this article I will talk about some good habits a beginner programmer should develop.

git commit -m "habit is second nature"
  1. Start with the basics

    Don't dive in too deep, start with the basics of programming. Focus on learning basic concepts like data types and loops. It is crucial to have a solid foundation of the basics before advancing.

  2. Practice and Practice

    We have always heard 'Practice makes perfect'. It is one sure ticket to mastering your craft. To be a good programmer, you need to practice your code daily, solve coding challenges and experiment. Note: a curious programmer is a creative programmer.

  3. Break down problems

    Breaking down complex problems into smaller parts and solving them separately is a good programming habit that you must develop. By doing so, you get to understand even better.

  4. Version control

    There are several version control software and tools like git, that you should learn to help you keep track of your changes or collaborate with other programmers

  5. Join communities

    Joining programming communities can help you network, learn from your fellows or even get a mentor. They could also be a source of motivation.

  6. Ask for help

    You can not solo ride through the world of programming, you will need help and you should know how to ask for help from social media and learning forums. Learn to ask for it when you're stuck.

  7. Debugging

    This is a must-have skill for any beginner programmer. Learn several debugging methods and how to debug using IDEs

  8. Read Code

    Are you able to read someone else's code and understand it? You could learn a few things from there and see how different programmers solve problems.

Lastly, learning programming takes time, patience and practice. The good thing about habits is we learn and develop them. Happy coding.

sudo apt-get install good_programming_habits